This post is not for those with a weak stomach, but it is for those with real-life troubles, like throw up in the middle of the night on your carpet and other undesirable areas and a real-life, non-toxic solution from Norwex.
Our family was invited to a celebration that went late into the evening. Our youngest daughter had enjoyed many treats which were left out and was encouraged to filled her plate.  What 11-year-old doesn’t like great snacks? Unfortunately, later that night at quarter past midnight, Doug and I both heard her in the washroom. In all our 16 years of parenting we had never seen the sight that we were about to find. All three of our girls have been good at either hitting the toilet, or grabbing the throw up bucket located in the hallway closet. Occasionally some vomit would hit the bed, or the carpet, but we had never seen anything like this.  This came on way too fast and furious for her to react. As she crawled out of bed it exploded across her room. It hit everything including her bed, carpet, down the mirror, walls and curtains, everything. With a slight break in the heaving, she managed to make it to the washroom. Standing on the edge of the carpet, it struck again. The projectile vomit reached from the edge of bathroom door all to the way to the wall by the toilet paper. Luckily, the majority of it landed on linoleum, but it was pooling everywhere. It was on the baseboards, down the white cabinetry, on the shower curtain, all over the toilet, even running down the walls. A friend of ours who was once a doctor in the pediatric emergency ward told us that since it came on so quickly it was likely food poisoning. It’s short, but explosive!  Thankfully her last bout hit the bucket.
If you’ve ever been in the same situation you know how we felt.  First, it requires all hands on deck!  Second, it requires comforting and cleaning up the child. Third, it requires tackling the clean up.  For those with weak stomachs, the aroma is sometimes enough to make them want to vomit. After Doug and I assessed the damage, we each picked an area. I was thankful Doug tackled the carpet and I tackled the rest.
When things like this happen in my life, I wonder what on earth do people do without Norwex? Our home was converted over 10 years ago and I can’t imagine our lives without it.
This is the alternative. When our daughter was in grade one, another kid got sick at school.  When our daughter informed the custodian, he came armed with his mop and bucket … but the bucket of smelly water smelled worse than the kid’s vomit.  Our family home is a chemical-free zone.   Our school is not. Our society has affiliated the smell of chemicals with cleanliness. But chemicals are dangerous for us to inhale because when we inhale, we ingest and absorb the chemicals into our bodies. Vomit is gross, but the tradition chemicals used to clean them up, is toxic.  Hence the scull and cross bones.  Just because it’s pictured on many household bottles, that shouldn’t alarm us less.
So how did we clean up our massive midnight disaster? You may laugh, but I considered taking before and after photos, but reconsidered in order to spare both you and I.
Step One:  Get a bucket, a large spoon and scoop up the mess.
Step Two:  Cleaning the linoleum. Grab an EnviroCloth and pour the magical enzyme-based solution Odour Eliminator into a sink of hot water.  The worst thing about vomit is the strong stench and slime. This odour eliminator is unbelievable, it works to eliminator the odour as you work to clean the mess. The enzymes imediately go to work to totally get rid of the odour that fills the room. If you are the one who is sick,  you’ll especially appreciate scent of the Odour Eliminator, as the smell of the vomit alone can make you throw up again.   Tip: Use the Odour Eliminator as a air freshener by diluting with water in a water spray bottle (1:7). This is a chemical-free replacement for aerosol and spray bathroom fresheners.
Step Three:   Launder the bedding, blankets and stuffed animals. Use Norwex Ultra Plus Power (UPP) Laundry Detergent and a cap full of  Odour Eliminator. The enzymes of the Odour Eliminator together with the UPP Laundry Detergent will work to get your linens fresh again. There is no need for chemical-laden-scented fabric softeners to freshen the laundry.
Step Four:  Cleaning the carpet. Our carpet is ivory and therefore we have a handy little carpet cleaner. Put a cap full of  Norwex’s UPP Laundry Detergent into your machine. Once you have gone over the surface, grab your Norwex enzyme-based Carpet Stain Buster. This is an amazing product. It is not designed to give you instant results.  It is an enzyme, it works over time giving you long-term effective results.   After the mess is cleaned up and you are left with the stuborn stain, mist the Carpet Stain Buster over the affected areas and walk away. Let it sit on the surface and the live enzymes will be activated by the organic matter and will remove the stains in the upcoming hours.  Done!
Read this testimony from a Norwex customer.
“My son threw up in the middle of the night all over our cream-coloured carpet. I grabbed the first carpet cleaner off the shelf, a Super Market brand, and used that to scrub the carpet. A week later the carpet was still stained. I took the Norwex Carpet Stain Buster and used that instead of the other brand and within a week the stains were completely gone! As you had explained to me before, I believe it is because the enzymes keep working until they have nothing else to “eat up” and I think this story proves that!”
~ Amanda MackneyMom


Delores VandenBoogaard is an Independent Norwex Sales Consultant from Edmonton, Alberta Canada with customers and consultants throughout Canada and the United States including; New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island, North West Territories and Ontario. She also has customers and team members in; Michigan, Texas, California, Massachusetts, Florida, Arizona, Missouri, Colorado, North Carolina, South Carolina, Idaho, Washington, New Hampshire, Iowa and Maine.


